Meeting Shirley to go to Kbox and it's their ladies night.
I was held up by work and was late. While waiting for the bus, I thought of "Doggie" (a nickname for a friend) and Alex. After he got attached, he kinda "dump" us and gave all the time to his gf, whom is his wife now. On the other hand, Alex would "dump" me for his friends. Always giving them higher priority than me
I was feeling hungry when I met up with Shirley, so we went to BK to buy something to smuggle into Kbox. While I was at the counter, a guy, who said that he work there, talk to me. He commented about my character, saying I'm very bubbly and asked if I have a very good day. I was surprised. Did not expect someone or anyone to talk to me out of the blue and then just cos of that... Make me kinda shy though
It's Audrey's last working day and we have a farewell dinner at "Xiao Hong Lou", East Coast. I guess parting is part and parcel of life. But it's going to be boring working there...
After the dinner, I went to meet Mei and gang. They were at a void deck and as there is no table and chairs, they used the floor mat which we always used when at East Coast LOL. Felt as though they were having a picnic and I suggested that we go on down to East Coast and spend the night there
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