Was Shirley's wedding on Saturday and I will be helping out at her wedding. So I went to my stylist, Ymon, on Friday to cut & dye my hair. He was asking me if I wanna straighten my hair but I told him I want curls. So he curl my hair and help me tie it up. Following is the picture of my hair-do.
Now I'm face with a problem .. how am I suppose to sleep to avoid crushing my hair? In the end, I decide to stack up the pillows and sleep in a sitting position >.< End up I have a most restless night and getting stiff neck and shoulders >.<
Sat morning, I reach Shirley's house at 745am. The groom will be coming at 930am. So we still have quite a bit of time to prepare some "goodies" for forfiet purpose. I'll upload the pics later of the things we prepare. Wasn't horrible, most are just raw veggies =D
The groom came later than expected so we jump straight to forfiet and get them to eat up all the stuff we prepare xD who ask them to come late :P After eating we proceed to "Ang Bao" discussion. While discussing, the groom's negotiator asked to have the lock open. I was against it cos I expect the groom's side will yank the door open. True to expectation, they took the opportunity to pull the gate open but well, we already got the "Ang Bao" so we let them in.
After the groom get to see the bride, they set off to the groom's house and the "Tea Ceremony" starts.
Went back to the Bride house around 12pm for "Tea Offering" at the bride house. After this we were dismiss and went home to prepare for the night celebration.
At 430pm, I went to the salon opposite my house to style my hair for the night and then set off straight for the restaurant. Overall, the dinner is a nice affair and a no of people are toasting the newly wed xD
Sunday, saw tab!b!to in game and whisper him again. I've been whispering him to get him to sell his good luck costume to me. Today I finally see him outside TG and I whisper him 2x before he reply that he's not selling. So I went to costumer chen and bought the costume off the shop with 675cps. I know it's not cheap but I love this costume a lot, so yeah. Here's a pic of how the costume look like
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