Sunday, August 14, 2005

Org Chart

There's some changes to the company and the new Organization Chart was out on Friday. Some of the changes were expected. Anyway, most of the things should remain relatively unchange. At least for our side.

Bryan, my ex-colleague from Australia, was back in town. He has suggested a meet up and had asked me to arrange. So I invited a few of our colleagues but in the end, only Audrey and Mooi Cheng can make it. To be honest, it's more like a gathering between Audrey, Mooi Cheng and me Image Hosted by We were so busy catching up that we kinda neglect Bryan. Well, just a little. LOL.

The meet up ended kinda abruptly though cos Bryan actually forgot the time and was late for his next appointment. Image Hosted by

After Bryan left us, we split up and went home. While I was waiting for the bus, I notice a couple standing behind the commercial board at the bus stop. Didn't know what they were doing at first. But after a while, I gather that they were having some kissing sessions Image Hosted by Couldn't they pick a better place? Hmm ...

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